We believe that learning to code is a right and not a privilege. All students can access our award-winning, self-learning platform called Hatch Studio - for FREE.
Students can go through all 600+ projects, 2,000+ challenges and 400+ hours of contest for free.
We make our money only when you want 1:1 help from a paid coding mentor. Whether you are just getting started, or want to learn faster our coding instructors can help you further develop your coding skills.
If you want additional help, our trained coding mentors are the perfect choice. With weekly 1:1 instruction, build skills at your own pace and on your own schedule, much like piano lessons. Choose the plan that is right for you.
(Hatch Studio for self-learning is completely FREE!)
Learn in a properly structured environment that tracks the development of 418+ skills and five core competency areas in computer science. Be playful while you do serious work: choose from hundreds of themes that stimulate your creativity. Your learning leads to Writer, Author, Intern, and Jr. Developer certificates.
Start LearningLearning happens in a fully featured programming language: JavaScript or Python. You begin with small projects, learn how to modify them, and move on to larger ones. You’ll learn the inquiry, research, and collaboration skills needed for industry, and then transition to a full-stack development environment.
Power LearningCompleting projects means practicing and developing skills and competencies. Progress made across 418+ skills and 5 core computer science competencies (that we call Superpowers), is reported in your “Student Dashboard” and your “Account/Parent Dashboard”.
Students can learn in JavaScript and Python, using Studio—our intelligent software. These languages are 2 of the top 5 most popular programming languages in the world.
Hatch Coding offers stand alone software that takes students from their first day of coding to their first job in tech. We do not offer in-person classes or learning.
Yes! Students master 418+ computer science skills while developing 5 core competencies over the course of 4 certificates. With 375+ themes, students can build games, animations, simulations, calculation engines, sports projects or anything their heart desires.
Meet some Hatch Coding students and see how they have learned skills to shape their future.
Register for an account and do your first 5 minute project. You’ll earn your first Superpower, and start your journey toward full-stack development.
Start for free